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Герои | Типы | Эволюция | Leveling | Avatars | Stats | Hit Counts | Leader Skills | Brave Bursts

1-100 | 100-200 | 200-300 Имитатор | 300-400 | 400-500 | 500-600 | 600-700 | 700-800 | 8000-8100 | 8100-8200

ID 201
Стихия Element Dark Dark
Пол Gender none Бесполое
Редкость ★★★
Макс. ур. 1
Стоимость 2
Обычный 1
ВХ -- --
СВХ -- --
Кликните для увеличения картинки
Монстр имитирующий сундук с сокровищами. Он невероятно силён, постоянно ищет кого-нибудь, чтобы съесть. It's not fussy about its prey, and the summoners who suffer the most are those who let their guards down. It naturally uses mimicry to lure in the unprepared, but some aggressive Mimics will even try to get attention by calling people.
Показатели HP (ОЖ) ATK DEF (ЗАЩ) REC (ВСТ)
Базовый 1188 666 666 666
Умение Командира: None
Всплеск Храбрости: None

Как Получить
  • The Box of Desires Lv. 1 & Lv. 2 (Wednesdays)
  • Randomly appears in most areas, hiding in a chest
Дополнительная информация и заметки
Mimics are used as ingredients to evolve units. When used as an ingredient in fusing, it provides a base 1,004 XP (1,506 XP to Dark element units). It sells for 1,000 Zel.

A chest containing a Mimic (or Bat Mimic) will sporadically shake. Having a large pool of health, capable of attacking multiple times and inflicting Curse, weak parties may want to skip opening the chest if they worry that the Mimic will impede dungeon progress.

Capture of these units is almost always guaranteed, even if the player has already captured a different unit earlier in the round.